Ordering an item on our platform can be done through the following steps:
- Find the item you would like to purchase through the selected product category.
- Once you have found the item you were looking for click ‘Add to shopping bag’. If necessary, choose the size you want.
- If you would like to continue shopping you can go back to the product grid, your chosen item will remain in your shopping bag. If you are ready to order and found everything you were looking for please go back to your shopping bag and proceed with the next steps.
- Next you are guided through the checkout process and you will be able to choose your delivery and payment preferences. At the end of this process you will receive an order summary and tracking link for you to follow the delivery of your order.
- Your order will be sent directly from our boutique to you.
Shipping and Delivery
We will arrange the delivery of your order from our boutique to you. You can easily select the items you are interested in and we will deliver them right to your doorstep or any other preferred delivery address.
The costs of the chosen delivery option will be indicated during the order process right before payment. Delivery will be completed when the items you ordered have successfully arrived at the address you provided.
Note that if you nor any other person is available at your address on the first and second presentation by our carrier, the items will be returned to the boutique. If this happens please contact us to rearrange delivery.
Once your order has been shipped, you will be notified via e-mail.
Delivery Countries
Products are only delivered to countries that are part of the European Union, the EFTA, the United States of America, Canada and Australia. You can place an order from outside these countires, yet it has to be delivered within one of the countries listed below.
It is important to note that depending on your location and the country you live in, taxes and duties are calculated and indicated at checkout. Concerning orders dispatched within the United Kingdom, UK VAT will be applied. However, most deliveries are DDP (Delivery Duty Paid). This means that the import taxes and duties are included in the product price as described on the platform. Countries we ship to on a DDP base:
Australia, Austria, Latvia, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Canada, Luxembourg, Croatia, Malta, Cyprus, Norway, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Portugal, Estonia, Romania, Finland, Slovakia, France, Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Switzerland, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy, United States of America
Delivery Times and Costs
Delivery timing and costs depend on the location and type of
delivery you prefer.
In case you need further information or help please don’t
hesitate to contact us through info@driescriel.com
Return Policy
In case you are not completely satisfied with your order, you have the right to use our return service. You have 14 calendar days to request a return, starting from the day you received your order. Once you have requested the return, you have a further 14 calendar days to send the item(s) back to the boutique. This means that the product must be back in the boutique within 28 calendar days after delivery of the order to you.
How to Return Your Order
Please contact us over e-mail, so we can discuss the possibilities.
Provided your return has been approved by us and provided all items have been returned, all payments received from you will be reimbursed to you. In case you did not return you complete order, we reserve the right not to refund the cost of delivery. We will refund you the full amount using your original payment method, within 14 days from the day on which your return has been approved.
Return Conditions
We can only collect returns from the same country to which your order was delivered. Items must be returned unworn, undamaged and unused and sent back in the original box. The original tags must be attached. If the tags are removed, the returned item will not comply with our returns policy and therefore will not be refunded. In this case this item will be sent back to you.